Impirica Portal Registration Process

Impirica Portal Registration Process

We would like to welcome you to the Impirica Portal!
The following video and written guide will provide you with detailed instructions to register your account and give you access to your training materials and organizations data.

The Impirica Portal User accounts are not shared accounts.
Please follow strong and secure password practices.
Don't write your password where others can access it.
Never share your password!

Video Guide:

Written Guide:
  1. You will receive 2 emails from Impirica Support ([email protected]), a welcome and a registration email.
    1. The welcome email provides you with an overview of the product, specifies how to access your training, and has the assessment manuals attached. If you are an administrative only user, you may not have any manuals attached and have fewer training modules to complete.
    2. The registration email provides your temporary password and a link to the Impirica Portal.
  2. Click the link in your registration email to access the Impirica Portal login page.
    1. United States:
    2. Canada:
  3. Select "Canada Login" or "US Login" based on your location.
  4. Enter your email address and the temporary password from the registration email, then click on "Sign in".
    1. If you do not have access to your registration email and temporary password, please follow the forgot password steps: Forgot Password.
    2. Please follow strong and secure password practices.
    3. Don't write your password where others can access it.
    4. Never share your password!
  5. You will be prompted to create a new password.
    1. Enter the temporary password from your registration email in the first box.
    2. The second and third boxes are where you create and verify your new password.
    3. Create your new password then click on "Continue".
  6. Please select your Country Code for your phone number for two-factor authentication.
    1. Our recommendation is to use a cell phone only you have access to.
    2. You will be required to authenticate your account on every login attempt.
  7. Enter your number and click "Send Code" or "Call Me". 
    1. Send Code will send you a text message with a 6-digit code.
    2. Call Me will have an automated system call you to confirm your login attempt.
  8. Follow step "a" or "b" based on your selection:
    1. If you selected "Send Code", please enter the 6-digit code then click on "Verify Code".
    2. If you selected “Call Me” please answer your phone when it rings and follow the prompts.
  9. You will be directed to the dataset screen once your registration is complete.
    1. Click the "Training" link in the top right to access your training courses or select a dataset to view your organization's results. 

If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please contact us! 
  1. Submit a ticket by clicking "Add Ticket" at the top right of the page.
  2. Use our chat bot by clicking “Need Help” at the bottom right of the page.
  3. Send us an email at [email protected]
  4. Call us at 1-855-365-3748 ext. 1.

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