Impirica Mobile Release Notes
202325.1 (Dec 20, 2023)
- Addition of the Trails cognitive task
202316.5 (Oct 6, 2023)
- Increased Android storage limit
202310.1 (Mar 31, 2023)
- Added the ability to work in multiple organizations
- Added UI to make it more obvious when offline
202306.3 (Mar 31, 2023)
- Fixed login issue for new users
202306.1 (Mar 24, 2023)
- Revamped dataset screen
- Updated consent information
202305.1 (Mar 9, 2023)
- "More" screen was updated to "Support" and added additional information
- Added more assessment purpose options for commercial
202302.1 (Feb 2, 2023)
- Vitals now available in Punjabi
- Vitals and DCAT now have assessment setup and pre-amble screens
- Updated the user consent workflow
202221.1 (Oct 15, 2022)
- Support for US and Canada Logins
202220.1 (Oct 13, 2022)
Trip Inspection feature that empowers driver evaluators to assess a driver's ability to perform pre-trip and post-trip inspections as well as perform coupling and uncoupling.
Modularized datasets allow for CORE only or Vitals only assessments.
202218.1 (Sept 14, 2022)
- Updated session page UI to be more intuitive
- General Improvements
202215.1 (July 22, 2022)
- Improved Error logging capabilities
202211.4 (June 23, 2022)
- Hotfix for assessment submission issues
202211.3 (June 21, 2022)
- Improved logging to handle incomplete assessment submissions
202211.2 (June 16, 2022)
- CORE speedometer added to the on-road screen
- Improved session workflow
202204.4 (Mar 18, 2022)
- Vitals Mobile is available in French
202204.3 (Feb 25, 2022)
- Fixed missing text issue on Vitals Mobile demos
- Fixed extra demo scene loading between reaction time stages
- Fixed unable to exit memory demo
202202.1 (Feb 11, 2022)
- Improved GPS tracking and mapping. This change should help with screen locking issues on the CORE entry screen.
202124.2 (Dec 17, 2021)
- Fixed a publishing bug when multiple users share a device
202124.1 (Nov 29, 2021)
- The ability to resume a Core that was prematurely closed (i.e. app crash, kill the app, etc.)
- Dataset screen layout improvements
202121.3 (Nov 5, 2021)
- The on-screen keyboard will no longer cover text input fields
- Improvements have been made to the task demos
- Improved clarity of when input is required by the end client
- Demos have been updated to convey the information more concisely
- The Impirica app has been optimized to reduce battery usage
- CORE Mobile improvements
- Responsiveness has been improved when switching error categories
- Resolved issue where start and end time was not being recorded.
- Test submission and syncing improvements